The sustainability of coastal and marine resources plays an important role in their preservation across generations, which enhances the social, economic, and environmental value of coastal and marine areas. These include tourism, transport, oil and gas exploration and commercial uses, in addition to the contributions of other sectors such as heritage, marine environments and protected areas. These natural resources could be exposed to threats in case there is a deterioration in marine water quality which may also cause habitat loss and reduction in attractive and endangered species, biodiversity, and environmental services. The long-term economic viability of the United Arab Emirate is inextricably tied to its land, coastal and marine resources. In particular, the Arabian Gulf, its coastlines, and its islands have long been a major part of the Emirate's source of sustenance, providing the resources, ecosystems and recreational opportunities, necessary to sustain its people and make possible the unprecedented development that has marked the Emirate's emergence as a world economic power. Whether on the coast or inland, all life in the Emirate is fundamentally connected to the maritime domain. More recently, through the discovery of abundant oil and gas reserves, the maritime domain has provided natural resources of strategic importance, which have fueled the Emirate's rapid development and emergence as a world economic power. Its waters link Abu Dhabi to the global market and provide abundant recreational and increasing tourism opportunities for the Emirate's citizens, residents and visitors.

What are the Principles behind Marine Water Quality Objectives?
  • Sustainability - Foster sustainability in coastal and marine areas. To achieve sustainability, environmental protection should be considered an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it.
  • Coastal and Marine Resource Conservation - Conserve coastal and marine resources, processes and landscapes/seascapes through management actions that will ensure sustainable use of biodiversity and resilience in coastal and marine ecosystems.
  • Safety and Security - Give National safety and security the highest priority while recognizing the need to support economic development, human activities, and environmental protection.
  • Culture and Heritage - Preserve, conserve and interpret the Emirate's maritime heritage while promoting the living culture and its value.
  • Governance, Transparency and Accountability - Use participatory governance and ensure transparency, accountability and regional responsibility in the planning and management of coastal and marine areas.
  • Risk-informed Decision-making and Adaptive Management - Implement management actions based on the best available information and expertise, take risk-informed decisions including the consideration of cumulative effects, and be flexible enough to adapt management to new information and changing conditions.
  • Integrated Planning - Achieve balanced sustainable outcomes through integrated planning and management within a framework of spatial optimization and respect for the environment.
  • Public Interest - Foster increased access and use of the coast and the Gulf by the public through planning and management policies.

Numerical values for levels of contaminants in soil that are protective of human health and the environment are important tools in assessing contaminated sites. The purpose of the specifications is to ensure that sites affected by contaminants are appropriately identified and assessed by the competent authority and, if necessary, remediated or the contaminants contained to make the site safe for human use.

The specifications propose two types of guideline values:
  • Concentrations of contaminants that do not pose a risk to human health and where remedial action is not required
  • Concentrations levels of contaminants that may pose a risk to human health and trigger remediation and/or management actions

To establish representative soil conditions, sampling should be carried out sufficiently representing changes within the area of interest. It should quantify the amount of soil present at the site, its quality and possible use. A walk over soil assessment is needed to define soil sampling sites. Once the locations are defined, samples should be collected following US EPA standard (USEPA 2014). The sampling results should be analyzed to establish soil quality and its usability. Possible soil remediation measures can be suggested for approvals which lead to soil quality improvement for the specific use. Details of required soil tests (i.e. parameters) are provided in Appendix 4 of this Annex. Characterization of soil and sub-soils shall be carried out in accordance with a recognized standard or nomenclature system (e.g. BS5930:1990) for sub-soils or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Code of Practice for Environmental Risk Assessment for Unregulated Waste Disposal sites, where relevant.


Groundwater is an important resource for irrigation, industrial development & selected ecosystems. Groundwater constitutes approximately between 20-30% of the total water balance of the entire Emirate of Dubai. Increasing demand and high aridity of the region pose pressure on limited groundwater resources. Hence, the Protection of groundwater quality is imperative to ensure the protection of healthy ecosystems and maintenance of environmental values as well as for future economic and population growth. There are several guidelines documented which are intended to support protection of the Environmental media (mainly groundwater & soil) from any undesirable impact borne out of human activities e.g. recreational, commercial, and developmental activities.

Regulatory framework

Groundwater law No 15 (2008) provides a sound legal framework and comprises a description of policies, principles and guidelines for the end users and water sources. As part of the groundwater management policies, the Guidelines for Groundwater Protection in Dubai Emirate were developed. The importance of groundwater, the higher risk of water quality impacts and the improved understanding of groundwater management in recent years has provided the impetus for having specific guidelines for the protected area. The Groundwater water law No. 15 of 2008 supports the implementation of the various initiatives; demarcation of the protected areas being one of them. Article 04 of local law no. 15 (2008) provides the legal basis to delineate groundwater-protected basin within Emirate of Dubai. The article clearly empowers DM to allow or restrict groundwater withdrawal. Dubai Groundwater policy (2015) placed this initiative within the list of strategic programs. DM strategic plan (2016- 2021) defines City Environment sustainability as one of the 5 pillars for developing a happy & sustainable city. Environmental protection and the sustainability of natural resources is one of such main initiatives under this pillar, which drives & strengthens existing groundwater management programs.

  • Law No (15) of 2008 concerning Groundwater resources protection and management in Emirate of Dubai
  • Law No (11) of 2003 on Nature Reserves within the Emirate of Dubai
  • Federal Law No. (24) of 1999 on the Protection and Development of the Environment
  • Local Order No (61) of 1991 on the Environment Protection Regulations in the Emirate of Dubai.

Dubai Supreme council of Energy (DSCE) is working towards Implementation of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) strategy 2030 to achieve maximum overall cycle efficiency for all uses of water in Dubai. of Dubai. The primary focus of Emirate Groundwater policy is to achieve management and sustainability in continuously decreasing groundwater resources.